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Your puppy has you at crossroads. On one, end it’s cute and adorable. While on the other, it’s reigning havoc on your work shoes. Thoroughly chewing them. You are wondering what you can do to stop the chewing and rescue your shoes. In this article, we look at how you can stop your Puppy from chewing on your work shoes. Before we delve into that, it would be important to understand why puppies chew shoes in the first place, let’s be honest teething is the main culprit and spoiler alert – teething toys a quick solution.
Some of these reasons include;
Chewing on substances helps to relieve the pain. Now that is where your work shoes come in. This occurs when the puppy is about 4 to 8 weeks old. The teething stops when the puppy gets around 4 to 6 months old.
Now that you have had a look at why puppies chew on shoes and other items . It would be best if you learned how to stop this destructive habit. Outlined below are some of the steps you can take ;
Puppies are full of energy. Playtime that lasts about an hour will be highly effective. Your cute puppy will burn all the excess energy—thus, no need to chew on your shoes. Playtime will also provide the puppy with the companionship it needs.
In case your schedule does not allow you to have enough playtime, consider hiring the services of a dog walker, and your shoes will forever be grateful.
As earlier explained, teething is the main reason for puppies chewing on items. To stop this, you may direct that chewing elsewhere on teething toys. Teething toys are inexpensive and tasty. Puppies find them irresistible.
Some of the best puppy teething toys include; rubber rings, mammoth flossy toys, and a wing pot dog chew toy.
Your puppy needs to know that chewing on shoes is unacceptable. When you catch it in the act, take the shoe away, and give it a stern look. Then offer it a teething toy. Once it accepts the toy, reward it with a treat. After some time, it will associate the toy with treats. Thus, it will always go for the toy.
The puppy will only chew on your shoes when it has access to them. Keeping your shoes in a room and making sure it’s locked will offer both the puppy and the shoe protection. Chewing on black steel toe boots may lead to the puppy having stomach problems.
Please note that this may not be very effective as the puppy may chew other items like socks or furniture.
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