Residence And Work Permits In Poland: Single application – A Step Towards The Future

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Do you dream of working and living in dynamic Poland? Discover the single residence and work permit, which will greatly simplify the process of legalising your stay in the country.

What is a single permit?

It is a document that combines the functions of both a residence and work permit. It allows you not only to reside legally in Poland, but also to work in accordance with Polish law.

Who is the single permit suitable for?

– Specialists:

o Doctors, engineers,

o IT specialists,

o construction workers

o and other professions in demand can use the single permit to work in Polish companies.

Advantages of a single permit:

– Ease of processing: You do not need to collect two separate sets of documents, just one set for both visa and work permit.

– Time saving: It takes less time to collect the documents for a single permit than for two separate documents.

– Versatility: A single permit allows you not only to work, but also to travel freely within the Schengen area.

– Legality: With a single permit you will be legally resident in Poland, which gives you access to social services and other benefits.

How to obtain a single permit?

The process of obtaining a single permit consists of several steps:

  1. Selecting an employer: You need to find an employer in Poland who is willing to employ you and to draw up the necessary documents for you.
  2. Collecting documents: Collect a package of documents that includes passport, health insurance, criminal record certificate, and other documents depending on your situation.
  3. Applying: Apply for a single permit at the administration office in your place of residence.
  4. Waiting for a decision: The administration will review your application and decide whether to issue a permit.
  5. Obtaining the permit: After obtaining the permit, you can legally live and work in Poland with the employer for whom the permit has been issued.

A single residence and work permit is your key to new opportunities in Poland. Don’t miss the chance to change your life for the better!


– The information in this article is brief and not exhaustive.

– Before applying for a single permit, it is recommended to read the current one.

– You can get help in applying for a single permit from migration specialists.

References: (en)

Additional tips:

– Learn Polish. Knowing the language will not only make your life in Poland easier, it will also increase your chances of finding a job.

– Familiarise yourself with Polish culture and traditions. This will help you adapt more quickly to life in a new country.

– Make friends and acquaintances among Poles. Communicating with locals will help you get to know the country better and feel at home.

Poland is waiting for you!

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